Steak and Eggs

  • Preparation Time
  • Total Time
  • Number of Servings 8

Whether it be an easy breakfast or a steak-tacular dinner, we make steak and eggs oh so simple.



1. Prepare sirloin roast according to package instructions.

2. With 10 minutes remaining on the roast, prepare the potatoes according to package instructions.

3. Fry eggs as desired.

Products From Recipe

  1. Diced Potatoes O'Brien
    Product Size: 2.5 lbs.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #718
    Price Per Unit: $9.49 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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  2. Signature™ USDA Choice Beef Top Sirloin Roast - While Supplies Last
    Product Size: 2 lbs.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #455
    Price Per Unit: $34.99 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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