Sweet Potatoes with Honey and Cinnamon

  • Preparation Time
  • Total Time
  • Number of Servings 6

Sweet potatoes made sweeter with honey and flavored with cinnamon. You couldn’t make an easier or more tasty side dish.



1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Toss sweet potatoes, cinnamon and honey together. Season to taste.

3. Place mixture into a 2-quart baking dish lightly sprayed with cooking oil.

4. Cover with foil and bake 25-30 minutes or until internal temperature of 165°F.

Products From Recipe

  1. Roasted Sweet Potatoes
    Product Size: 2 lbs.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #774
    Price Per Unit: $8.99 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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