Triple Berry Vanilla Milkshake

  • Preparation Time
  • Total Time
  • Number of Servings 1–2

Sweet blueberries, ripe red raspberries and plump blackberries frozen at the peak of freshness create something extra delicious when blended with creamy vanilla ice cream. 



1. Add shake ingredients to a blender.

2. Blend at medium speed until thick and smooth.

3. Pour into a large glass or divide among small glasses.

4. Top with optional garnishes.

Tip: Adjust milk according to desired shake thickness.

Products From Recipe

  1. Classic Vanilla Ice Cream
    Product Size: 1.5 qt.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #225
    Price Per Unit: $7.49 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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  2. Triple Berry Blend
    Product Size: 24 oz.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #926
    Price Per Unit: $9.99 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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