Grilled Apple Pie

  • Preparation Time
  • Total Time
  • Number of Servings 8

It really works so go ahead and try it. Surprise your dinner guest with a simple dessert that starts on the grill.



1. Preheat covered grill to a steady temperature of 325°F to 350°F.

2. Place pie into a cast iron skillet or grill-safe pan.

3. Cook over indirect heat 45-60 minute or until crust is golden brown and filling is starting to bubble around crust.

4. Cool slightly before cutting.

Tip: Remove frozen pie from tin pan and place in cast iron skillet to thaw before baking. If you don't have a cast iron skillet, wrap the pie in a double layer of heavy duty aluminum foil.

Products From Recipe

  1. Classic Apple Pie
    Product Size: 35.27 oz.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #880
    Price Per Unit: $13.99 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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