Golden Fruit Upside Down Muffins

  • Preparation Time
  • Total Time
  • Number of Servings 6

No more standing by the stove to cook pancakes for the family. Yes, pancake batter bakes into warm, wonderful, fluffy pancake-muffins. Young and old will love this new twist!



1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Drain fruit on paper towel to remove excess moisture.

3. Spray jumbo-sized muffin pan with nonstick cooking oil.

4. Spoon brown sugar and butter evenly into each muffin pan.

5. Top with fruit blend and pancake batter.

6. Bake 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Tips: These scrumptious muffins are excellent served with syrup or sprinkled with powdered sugar. Best made with original pancake mix using oil and eggs.

Products From Recipe

  1. Golden Fruit Blend
    Product Size: 24 oz.
    Product Stock Keeping Unit: #758
    Price Per Unit: $10.99 ea.
    Qty: 0
    Times Purchased:

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